
Monday, 27 August 2012

Motivation Monday: Diet foods:How credible are the claims?

Supermarket isles are filled with options for the dieting population: diet drinks, low-fat snacks, low calorie desserts and the list goes on.  Before you burst into hoorays, let’s examine the credibility of some of these items.
In a recent post on the Today MSNBC news website entitled Rossen Reports: Can you believe diet frozen dessert labels?  Jeff Rossen and Robert Powell made a startling claim, stating “tests show that some products have up to 68 percent more calories than labels promise”.   Popular ‘diet’ foods were submitted to an experiment, the aim of which was to uncover just how true to claim the diet foods were.  Were they in fact lower in calories as advertised?
At EMSL Analytical Incorporated, described by the authors as a “top food laboratory”, nine products stood the test.  Skinny Cow Cookies n' Cream Truffle Bar, Stonyfield Minty Chocolate Chip Frozen Yogurt, Ben & Jerry's Fro-Yo Half-Baked had less calories than was advertised.  Ben & Jerry's Fro-Yo Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Stonyfield's Creme Caramel Frozen Yogurt had more calories than advertised but were within 10 percent of their claim.  Three other frozen delicacies exceeded their claims by a little less than 20 percent.   The Arctic Zero Vanilla Maple sample boasted 46 percent more calories than the label advertised while the Chocolate Peanut Butter had 68 percent more calories than advertised.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations make allowance for packaged products to underreport up to 20 percent of their stated claim on food labels.  This is to “account for variations in portions”.
This is misleading.  Many persons buy into what they see advertised on food labels.  This is a violation of consumer trust.
The safe way to lose and maintain weight is to eat whole foods(whole grains, legumes and nuts, vegetables and fruits, and lean meats sparingly)-foods that are nutrient dense, high in fibre, low in saturated fat and low in sugar in conjunction with regular physical activity.   Foods that make incredulous claims are probably that-too good to be true.  Food portion control is a far safer way to indulge the appetite for foods perceived as less healthy on occasion.

Next week on Motivation Monday, Food Portion Control will be the topic of discussion:  How much is too much?

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Tantalizing Thursday: Jamaican Vegetable Stir-Fry

Tantalizing Thursdays proudly presents its first recipe- Jamaican Vegetable Stir-Fry.  (The recipes featured on this blog will be largely Caribbean influenced)   

A vegetarian diet is touted by the scientific community as being instrumental in decreasing risk factors for heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.  The high-fibre, low-fat component is lauded for these benefits.
The vegetarian subsists on a diet that comprises:
Legumes and Nuts
Poly-unsaturated fats and oils such as nuts, olive oil, canola oil
Select Foods from animals(depending on the category of vegetarian)

Whether or not you are vegetarian, it is beneficial to include a meat-free dish occasionally.
The following is a great lunch/dinner idea.
Jamaican Vegetable Stir-Fry


1 cup sliced Carrots
1 cup chopped Cabbage
1 cup chopped Pakchoi
1 cup Stringed Beans, cut in halves
1 Red Sweet pepper, cored, seeded, and julienned
1 Yellow Sweet pepper, cored, seeded, and julienned
1 Green Sweet pepper, cored, seeded, and julienned
1 cup thinly sliced onion
½  cup escallion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 sprig Thyme
1 teaspoon grated ginger
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon salt

Start the preparation process by cutting all the vegetables and measuring the ingredients.
In a wok or large skillet, heat vegetable oil over high heat. Add the onion, garlic and salt while stirring constantly. While continuing to stir, add carrots, cabbage, pak choi and stringed beans until tender-crisp.   Continue stirring constantly for 2-3 minutes. Add the peppers, sprig of thyme, scallion, and ginger and stir for 2 minutes more.
Remove from heat.
Serve immediately over brown rice.

Try this delicious recipe and provide feedback on how much you enjoyed it.

Wellness Wednesdays: Mind over Matter

A fundamental dimension of total wellness is Mental Wellness.  The maxim "the mind is a terrible thing to waste" remains true today.  How can we keep an even keel in a world that is as unpredictable as ours.  How do we resolve to maintain our sanity despite all the uncertainty that presents?  Today's Wellness Wednesday blog: Mind over Matter, will explore ways in which we can maintain equipoise in an unstable world.  Developing the mental prowess that is essential to navigating the challenging environment in which we exist is not optional if we intend on living a substantive, powerful and rewarding life.

Here are some tips to mind when life threatens to throw you off your bearing:

  • Keep the end in mind.  Set goals for how you want to have your life turn out.  Do not be overcome with the present manifestation of apparent defeat or failure.
  • Know that today's problem is just that- today's problem.  The future's outlook is vast and limitless.  In a sudden turn of events you will vaguely remember the sorrows you are now enduring.  Life presents cycles and seasons-this will not last. 
  • Be open and honest with yourself.  Express disappointment, pain, fear etc.  Never repress emotions as they are as much a part of you as a hand or nose.  Neglecting to accept how you feel will only delay your healing.  .Blogging about these times or keeping a journal may prove to be cathartic in nature.  You may realize that far more people are going through similar circumstances.
  • Have a social network you can trust.  Discuss your situation with people who have demonstrated loyalty and trustworthiness, but always be careful not to divulge information you are not willing to hear again.  Trusting is risky business yet we must exercise this in order to receive the benefits of human relationships.  
  • Evaluate your situation.  Are there changes you can make?  Assume responsibility for the things you can alter or improve.   This will give you greater autonomy and lessen the feeling of helplessness you may experience.
  • Seek plausible alternatives.  If you are in a dead-end situation with no scope for improvement be willing to abandon your course irrespective of how painful it is, the gravity of the investments you had made, and how it will appear to others.  It is better to lose at this stage than to persist in an unprofitable venture/relationship/situation and experience even far greater loss in the future.
  • Switch up environments if at all possible.  Go out in nature and view the scenery.  Connecting with nature has a way of putting things in perspective.  A breath of fresh air will revitalize and fuel you with the energy to go on.
  • Be thankful.  Focus on all the positive outcomes you have had in your life up to this point.  Let this serve to motivate you.  This too will pass like the others before.  Celebrate past blessings, recalling the difficult passages that you have already conquered.  This will inspire confidence and outfit you with the grace to persevere. 

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Trendy Tuesdays: Does food smell affect bite size?

I stumbled across a very interesting study conducted by the Institute of Food and Nutrition, Wageningen, located in The Netherlands entitled, Food Aroma Affects Bite Size.  The study infers that there is an inverse relationship between food aroma and bite size, that is, the stronger a food smell is, the smaller the bite size will tend to be.  Ten participants were paid to consume vanilla custard; they were tested 30 times with three aroma concentrations-no aroma, low, and high in a random order.  The research did not suggest that less of the foods were eaten, but that smaller bites were taken, in fact it was reported that "the total custard consumption did not exceed that of an average dessert".   The study's conclusion is that sensory stimulation-particularly olfaction (sense of smell) plays an important role in controlling bite size.

The findings of this small research could be explored more thoroughly in a larger cohort.  Its relevance could translate into aiding in food development.  This could very positively affect future food trends that could influence the manipulation of aromas to decrease bite size independent of increasing the amount of calories in food items.  The scope of subsequent research is robust; a look at the number of bites taken and satiety(satisfaction) in relation to bite size could  provide a rationale for increasing aromatic stimulation and make a strong case for curbing the obesity epidemic from a food science standpoint.

Join me next week for Trendy Tuesdays when we look at Energy Drinks.  Is it a healthy food trend?

Monday, 6 August 2012

Motivation Mondays: Heart-Healthy Nutrition

Eating well simply for the sake of being well may not always be enough of an incentive to consume the restrictive diet that we associate with healthy eating.  Chronic diseases such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol) and other cardiovascular diseases arrest the attention of many and provide the impetus to indulge a more health-promoting diet. The heart plays an integral role in sustaining life; it creates enough energy daily to drive a truck twenty (20) miles which in a lifetime is equivalent to driving to the moon and back.  To preserve and protect this vital organ is essential.
 Motivation Mondays kicks off with some heart healthy nutrition tips that can be implemented without forfeiting the variety and taste of wholesome foods.
      Restrict sodium intake.  Studies prove that high sodium intake is associated with heart disease.   The recommendation from the Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension (DASH) diet is 2400mg sodium which is equivalent to 1 teaspoon (6 grams) added salt daily.  Most foods already contain sodium naturally. Watch for hidden sources of sodium in processed foods.  Read food labels, items should not provide more than 300mg of sodium per serving.  Know the terms that are indicative of high sodium content-“pickled (eg. Pickled mackerel), cured (eg. Smoked beef), smoked (eg. Smoked herring), and corned (eg. Corned pork or corned beef)”.  The following table provides a guide for understanding food labeling for sodium.

Less than 5 mg per standard serving; cannot contain any sodium chloride
Very low sodium
35 mg or less per standard serving
Low sodium
140 mg or less per standard serving
Reduced sodium
At least 25% less sodium per standard serving than in the regular food
Light in sodium
50% less sodium per standard serving than in the regular food
Unsalted, without added salt, or no salt added
No salt added during processing; the product it resembles is normally processed with salt
Lightly salted
50% less added sodium than is normally added; product must state “not a low-sodium food” if that criterion is not met
Data from U.S. Food and Drug Administration:  Scouting for sodium and other nutrients important to blood pressure, FDA Consumer, Publication No. 95-2284, 1995.

      Decrease saturated fat intake.  Saturated fat (from animal sources) in the blood makes the blood more viscous (thick) and makes it difficult for the blood to pass through the blood vessels thereby increasing the demands on the heart to pump blood throughout the entire body.

·       Decrease alcohol consumption.  Alcohol intake should be restricted to no more than 2 drinks (2 oz. of 100-proof whiskey, 10 oz. of wine, or 24 oz. of beer) daily in men and half this amount should be consumed by women.

·       Physical Activity.  Physical activity has beneficial effects on cardiac health.  A recent study revealed that low-to-moderate intensity exercise for 30 to 45 minutes 5 or more days of the week is important in maintaining heart health.

·    The following have been touted to have beneficial effects on heart health:
      Fabulous Fibre.  Increase dietary fibre consumption. Studies show that increased dietary fibre intake decreases blood pressure.  Its heart healthy function extends to inhibiting the deposition of plaque in the blood vessels.  Dietary fibre is reported to lower blood cholesterol.  Foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes (peas and beans), and whole grains are high in dietary fibre.  The recommendation is 28grams/day for women and 35 grams/day for men.
      Magnificent Magnesium.  Increase magnesium intake. Magnesium potently inhibits smooth muscle vascular contractions, simply put, it relaxes the smooth muscles of the blood vessels.  Dietary sources include green leafy vegetables, nuts, and whole grain bread and cereals.

·       Potent Potassium.  Increase potassium intake.   Arterial flexibility is improved with potassium intake.  Potassium rids the body of excess sodium which increases blood volume.   Increased blood volume is implicated in elevated blood pressure.  Dietary sources of potassium include legumes (peas and beans), raw fruits and vegetables.

Commendable Calcium.  Increase calcium intakeResearchers suggest that calcium is effective in dilating the smooth muscles of the blood vessels which has a positive effect on blood pressure.  Dietary sources of calcium include legumes (peas and beans), green leafy vegetables dairy products.

·       Victorious Vegetarianism.  Indulge a plant-based diet.  A meat-based diet has been shown to increase blood cholesterol.  The high fibre component of the vegetarian diet yields beneficial effects on vascular plaque inhibition.

N.B. The minerals recommended for optimal heart health is to be derived preferably from food sources as opposed to supplements.  These food sources are high in fibre and yield other health-promoting nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Low Sodium Sample Menu Based on a 2000 Calorie Meal Plan

  2 cups Oatmeal
  1 cup Skimmed/Low-fat Milk
  2 Tbsp Raisins
  3 Water Crackers
Spice to Taste (Cinnamon, Nutmeg)

  3 oz. Steamed Fish
  1 ½ cups Okra and carrots
  2 slices Yam
  2 Boiled Dumplings
  2 medium green bananas
  1 cup Pumpkin
   8 oz. All natural fruit juice-NO SUGAR ADDED

1 Cheese Sandwich
  - 2 slices Whole Wheat Bread
  -1 oz. (1 oz is equivalent to one slice of the pre-sliced cheeses) Cheddar cheese
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers (Any amount)
1 Orange

Be sure to read this week’s Tantalizing Thursday blog entry which will feature a mouth-watering heart-healthy vegetarian recipe.

Please direct any queries to

Friday, 3 August 2012

Family Fridays: Eating for Two

"I hate carrots!"    
"I don't want soup today!"
"Cabbage AGAIN!!!"
"I'm just not hungry..."
The dynamic that exists in Family Nutrition is a unique one.  Depending on the size of the family and the type of family (whether nuclear, single-parent, extended or blended), the variables will be quite different.  Each member of the family has to be catered to individually from the communal family pot factoring food preferences, food allergies, budget, food accessibility and availability, illness, stress/activity factors, trauma, use of medications, stage in the life cycle (whether infant, child, pre-pubertal, adolescent, early adulthood, pregnant, lactating, middle-aged, or elderly) among a host of other factors.   Nutritional need varies per stage, therefore performing a balancing act can be quite a task.
Family Fridays is dedicated to exploring tactics for ensuring the optimal nutritional status of all members within the family unit. Today we start with Healthy Eating Throughout Pregnancy.
"I'm eating for two" is a commonly heard statement coming from crave-driven expectant mothers.  It is true that there is an increased need for energy, and nutrients(carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water) in order to meet the metabolic demands of pregnancy and growth of the fetus.  There is a 15% increase in metabolism in pregnancy.  Research shows that failure of mothers to meet required intakes will result in increased risk for some chronic diseases (such as hypertension)in their offspring which may present years later.  It is not true, however, that a pregnant woman is eating for two grown adults.  Doubling food portions is not necessary nor is it recommended.  The recommended weight gain for pregnant women issued by the Institute of Medicine is as follows:

  • 25-35 lbs (11-16 kg) for women of normal weight (Body Mass Index* of 18.5-24.9 kg/m2)
  • 28-40 lbs (13-18 kg) for underweight women (Body Mass Index of 18.5kg/m2 and below)
  • 15-25 lbs (7-11 kg) for overweight women (Body Mass Index of 25 to 29.9kg/m2)
Weight targets for obese women (Body Mass Index 30-39.99kg/m2) are currently unavailable(scientific discussions continue).
Weight gain(in lbs) is distributed as follows:
7.5-8.5 Fetus
7.5 Stores of fat and protein
4.0 Blood
2.7 Tissue fluids
2.0 Uterus
1.8 Amniotic fluid
1.5 Placenta and umbilical cord
1.0 Breasts
Total-28-29 lbs

Eating for two translates into the dietetic standpoint that it is in the second and third trimesters that the increase in energy/calories becomes necessary.  An additional 340-360 kcal/day in the second trimester is represented simply as one peanut butter sandwich(with 2 tsp peanut butter)  and an 8-ounce cup of low fat milk; 452 kcal/day is the required energy intake for the third trimester which is a 112 kcal/day increase from the second trimester.  That is represented as the same peanut butter sandwich  and an 8-ounce cup of low fat milk with the addition of a large fruit such as a large ripe banana.
The protein requirement increases from 0.66g/kg/day(in the first half of the pregnancy) to 1.1g/kg/day (71 g/day) for the second half of the pregnancy, that is, 10 servings of protein daily to facilitate milk production and fetal growth.  Evidence suggests that protein from plant sources such as peas and beans may be more beneficial than protein from animal sources which contain saturated fat, cholesterol, and pathogens that are easily ingested.   Fish, a source of protein, taken from contaminated water may contain mercury which is a major concern for pregnant women as this neurotoxin readily crosses the placenta.   

A General Guide for Healthy Eating during Pregnancy whereby increased requirements can be met is to eat from the Caribbean Six Food groups which include:
Staples- 7-10 servings daily (Choose whole grains, ground provision and enriched products)
Legumes(Peas and Beans) and Nuts- 3 servings daily
Foods from Animals-4 servings daily (Use sparingly)
Vegetables-3-4 servings daily
Fruits-2-4 servings daily
Fats-3 servings daily (Choose the unsaturated variety such as avocados, nuts, and vegetable oils such as olive oil and canola oil.

Eating accordingly will meet the increased need for energy, protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins A and C, the B vitamins(B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folate and choline), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium, copper, molybdenum, iodine and manganese.
Iron and folate supplements are suggested.

Pregnant women are encouraged to drink eight to ten glasses of water.

*Body Mass Index calculation-weight in kg/height in m

Please consult a Registered Dietitian or Qualified Nutritionist for  an individualized meal plan and Nutrition counselling.

For queries you can contact me @

Thursday, 2 August 2012

About Nutrition Is...

Who am I?

I'm a young Dietitian who sees endless opportunities for this burgeoning field.  I am currently in Private practice which has always been my dream.  My professional interests include Nutrition Education, Health Promotion, Wellness Management and Programme Planning.
Outside of the professional realm, I am an artsy free-spirit who relishes nameless escapades to nowhere and everywhere, that is, I'm spontaneous and adventurous.  I sing, crotchet, cook, write, and especially enjoy projects such as making natural homemade cosmetics.  I enjoy watching  documentaries/ biographical films.

Why am I blogging?

I'm blogging because I want to connect with you.  I'm hopeful that something I write will impact your life positively forever.  I am blogging to inform and inspire, to awaken a desire for a lifestyle that will yield maximum health benefits.
I also want to share a unique Caribbean perspective on Nutrition and Health management.
Lastly, having suffered past bouts of disordered eating patterns (which presents frequently as Nutrition Diagnosis in my practice), my experience compels me to share information with a spirit of empathy.

Nutrition Is...?

Nutrition is the intricate and potent relationship that food has with the body.  This blog will explore the beautiful dynamic that  exists between food and the human body.

What can be expected from this blog?

Nutrition Is... aims to be an accessible, reputable and accurate source of Nutrition, Health and Wellness information.  You can expect reviews of diet and nutrition-related scientific research, information on topics including: Family Nutrition, Vegetarian Nutrition and Recipes, Healthy Eating, Weight Management, Chronic Disease Management, Food Trends and General Nutrition.  You will be presented with scientific data and together, we will sift through error in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics.  You will be equipped with the requisite skills to navigate an area that often presents with much ambiguity.
The blog schedule is as follows:

  • Motivation Mondays (Chronic Disease Management tips and articles for persons with hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and overweight and obesity).
  • Trendy Tuesdays ( A look at food trends, fads and diets as well as debunking myths and fallacies).
  • Wellness Wednesdays (Wellness Management tips and articles).
  • Tantalizing Thursdays (A titillating Vegetarian recipe will be featured).
  • Family Fridays (Family Nutrition will be the focus of Friday posts).
Feedback policy

Feedback is encouraged even if you disagree.  This is a learning environment.  Each point of view is valued.
Demeaning comments and indecent language is strictly prohibited.  Let us strive to make this an atmosphere pervaded with respect and tolerance. 

For personal queries please email me @