"I hate carrots!"
"I don't want soup today!"
"Cabbage AGAIN!!!"
"I'm just not hungry..."
The dynamic that exists in Family Nutrition is a unique one. Depending on the size of the family and the type of family (whether nuclear, single-parent, extended or blended), the variables will be quite different. Each member of the family has to be catered to individually from the communal family pot factoring food preferences, food allergies, budget, food accessibility and availability, illness, stress/activity factors, trauma, use of medications, stage in the life cycle (whether infant, child, pre-pubertal, adolescent, early adulthood, pregnant, lactating, middle-aged, or elderly) among a host of other factors. Nutritional need varies per stage, therefore performing a balancing act can be quite a task.
Family Fridays is dedicated to exploring tactics for ensuring the optimal nutritional status of all members within the family unit. Today we start with
Healthy Eating Throughout Pregnancy.
"I'm eating for two" is a commonly heard statement coming from crave-driven expectant mothers. It is true that there is an increased need for energy, and nutrients(carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water) in order to meet the metabolic demands of pregnancy and growth of the fetus. There is a 15% increase in metabolism in pregnancy. Research shows that failure of mothers to meet required intakes will result in increased risk for some chronic diseases (such as hypertension)in their offspring which may present years later. It is not true, however, that a pregnant woman is eating for two grown adults. Doubling food portions is not necessary nor is it recommended. The recommended weight gain for pregnant women issued by the Institute of Medicine is as follows:
- 25-35 lbs (11-16 kg) for women of normal weight (Body Mass Index* of 18.5-24.9 kg/m2)
- 28-40 lbs (13-18 kg) for underweight women (Body Mass Index of 18.5kg/m2 and below)
- 15-25 lbs (7-11 kg) for overweight women (Body Mass Index of 25 to 29.9kg/m2)
Weight targets for obese women (Body Mass Index 30-39.99kg/m2) are currently unavailable(scientific discussions continue).
Weight gain(in lbs) is distributed as follows:
7.5-8.5 Fetus
7.5 Stores of fat and protein
4.0 Blood
2.7 Tissue fluids
2.0 Uterus
1.8 Amniotic fluid
1.5 Placenta and umbilical cord
1.0 Breasts
Total-28-29 lbs
Eating for two translates into the dietetic standpoint that it is in the second and third trimesters that the increase in energy/calories becomes necessary. An additional 340-360 kcal/day in the second trimester is represented simply as one peanut butter sandwich(with 2 tsp peanut butter) and an 8-ounce cup of low fat milk; 452 kcal/day is the required energy intake for the third trimester which is a 112 kcal/day increase from the second trimester. That is represented as the same peanut butter sandwich and an 8-ounce cup of low fat milk with the addition of a large fruit such as a large ripe banana.
The protein requirement increases from 0.66g/kg/day(in the first half of the pregnancy) to 1.1g/kg/day (71 g/day) for the second half of the pregnancy, that is, 10 servings of protein daily to facilitate milk production and fetal growth. Evidence suggests that protein from plant sources such as peas and beans may be more beneficial than protein from animal sources which contain saturated fat, cholesterol, and pathogens that are easily ingested. Fish, a source of protein, taken from contaminated water may contain mercury which is a major concern for pregnant women as this neurotoxin readily crosses the placenta.
A General Guide for Healthy Eating during Pregnancy whereby increased requirements can be met is to eat from the Caribbean Six Food groups which include:
Staples- 7-10 servings daily (Choose whole grains, ground provision and enriched products)
Legumes(Peas and Beans) and Nuts- 3 servings daily
Foods from Animals-4 servings daily (Use sparingly)
Vegetables-3-4 servings daily
Fruits-2-4 servings daily
Fats-3 servings daily (Choose the unsaturated variety such as avocados, nuts, and vegetable oils such as olive oil and canola oil.
Eating accordingly will meet the increased need for energy, protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins A and C, the B vitamins(B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folate and choline), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium, copper, molybdenum, iodine and manganese.
Iron and folate supplements are suggested.
Pregnant women are encouraged to drink eight to ten glasses of water.
*Body Mass Index calculation-weight in kg/height in m2
Please consult a Registered Dietitian or Qualified Nutritionist for an individualized meal plan and Nutrition counselling.
For queries you can contact me @ nutorietynutrition@gmail.com